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A selected list of public talks that have already happened. Click here for upcoming events.

October 16 2014

4:15 pm

October 19 2014

4 pm

October 22 2014

6 pm

The 2014 Lafayette Birthday Lecture

Skillman Library, Lafayette College, Easton, PA

Free and open to the public.

Click for directions.

Scoville Library Revolutionary War Speaker Series

Scoville Memorial Library, 38 Main Street, Salisbury, CT

Free and open to the public.

Click for directions.

NYC Book Launch @ The New School

in conversation with Luis Jaramillo, Director, School of Writing, The New School

Arnhold Hall, 55 West 13th Street, The New School, NY, NY

Free and open to the public.

Click for directions.

October 24


12 noon

October 29


7:30 pm

October 30


5:30 pm

November 1


3 pm

November 7


12 noon

November 12


4:30 pm

November 13


5:30 pm

November 20


7 pm

November 21


2 pm

December 9


6:30 pm

January 29


3 pm

January 30


3:30 pm

February 19


5:30 pm

March 12


7 pm

92nd Street Y
1395 Lexington Avenue, NY, NY
Purchase tickets here.

​Click for directions.


LSU Museum of Art

100 Lafayette Street, Baton Rouge, LA

Coincides with the Louisiana Book Festival.

Admission is $10 for non-members, $5 for Museum Members. 


National Portrait Gallery

8th and F Streets NW, Gallery E144, American Origins Exhibit, First Floor, East, Washington, DC

Free and open to the public.



Skidmore College

Davis Auditorium, Palamountain Hall, Sartoga Springs, NY


American Philosophical Society

427 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA



University at Albany, SUNY

Business Administration Building, Room 223, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY



Boston University

725 Commonwealth Ave., Room 200, Boston, MA

Free and open to the public.




Market House

200 Hay Street, Fayetteville, NC
Wine, cheese, book talk, and discussion courtesy of the Lafayette Society, the Fayetteville Area Transportation and Local History Museum, and City Center Gallery & Books.
Free and open to the public!



Lexington Historical Society Buckman Tavern

1 Bedford Street Lexington, MA

Free and open to the public.



Lycee Francais de New York

505 East 75th Street, New York, NY

Free and open to the public.




Institut Français d'Amérique

Wilson Library, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC



University of Richmond

Carole Weinstein International Center, International Center Commons

Richmond, VA

Free and open to the public.



The College of William and Mary

Washington Hall, 201, Williamsburg, VA

Free and open to the public.



French Heritage Society

Boston Chapter

The mission of the French Heritage Society "is to ensure that the treasures of our shared French architectural and cultural heritage survive to inspire future generations to build, dream, and create." For information about membership in this not-for-profit organization please click here



April 30


6:30 pm

Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

Charlottesville, VA

Co-sponsored by Monticello and Alliance Française de Charlottesville.  



June 4


7 pm


York Hall

301 Main Street, Yorktown, VA

Book talk and signing held while the Hermione is in port.

Free and open to the public.



June 6


10 am


Redwood Library and Athenaeum

50 Bellevue Avenue, Newport, RI

$10 for members, $20 for non-members. 

Seating is very limited; please call 847-0295, ext. 112, for reservations. 


June 10


6 pm

Library of Congress
Madison Building, Montpellier Room, 101 Independence Ave, SE, Washington, DC

Books and Beyond author series.

Cosponsored by the Center for the Book and the Manuscript Division.

Free and open to the public.


Alliance Française de Washington DC

2142 Wyoming Ave, NW. Washington, DC

Organized in celebration of the arrival of the Hermione.

General admission $15; AFDC members $10.


June 17


12 noon

June 17


7 pm

Society of the Cincinnati

Anderson House, 2118 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC

Book talk and reception organized in conjunction with the exhibition "Lafayette & L'Hermione: Symbols of French-American Freindship."

Free and open to the public. 


June 16


6 pm

June 25


11:30 am 

French Heritage Society: Philadelphia Chapter

Acorn Club, 1519 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA

Luncheon lecture on the day the Hermione arrives in Philadelphia.

FHS/Acorn Club Members $65 / Non-Members $75


June 26


6:30 pm

Philadelphia Reenactment Dinner

City Tavern, 138 South 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA

This fundraising gala for the Hermione begins with cocktails aboard the ship followed by a recreation of  a Continental Congress dinner held at City Tavern in 1781.

Table Sponsorship: $5,000 for 10 guests. Dinner Guest: $250 for an individual ticket.


July 6


4 pm

The Mount: Edith Wharton's Home

2 Plunkett Street, Lenox, MA

This is the opening event of The Mount's Summer Lecture Series featuring an illustrated talk followed by tea and booksigning.


July 13


1 pm

Castine Historical Society

Delano Auditorium, Pleasant Street at Battle Avenue, Castine, ME

Talk and booksigning as part of the Hermione in Castine celebrations.

Free and open to the public.

July 21


6:30 pm

Setember 5


6 pm

Boston Athenaeum

10 1/2 Beacon Street, Boston, MA

Talk, booksigning, and reception organized in conjunction with the exhibition "Lafayette:

An American Icon"

Members fee ($15); Non-members fee ($30)



Lafayette's Birthday Party!

Hale Byrnes House, 606 Stanton-Christiana Road, Newark, DE

Co-sponsored by The American Revolution Round Table of Northern Delaware Alliance Française de Wilmington & People to People-Delaware

Free and open to the public. Donations are encouraged.


Setember 17


6:30 pm

Fraunces Tavern Museum

54 Pearl Street, New York, NY

Organized in conjunction with "Lafayette" exhbition. 

Tickets $10 / free for members of the museum.


October 28


6:30 pm

French Heritage Society: Atlanta Chapter

Co-hosted by  Spalding Nix's Culture Club at the Atlanta Decoratve Arts Center (ADAC)

The mission of the French Heritage Society "is to ensure that the treasures of our shared French architectural and cultural heritage survive to inspire future generations to build, dream, and create." For information about membership in this not-for-profit organization please click here


October 29


6:30 pm

French Heritage Society: Dallas Chapter
The mission of the French Heritage Society "is to ensure that the treasures of our shared French architectural and cultural heritage survive to inspire future generations to build, dream, and create." For information about membership in this not-for-profit organization please click here


July 26


6 PM

January 24


2-4 PM

Mid-Manhattan Library
455 Fifth Avenue at 40th Street, NYC
Part of the Author @ the Library series, this illustrated lecture gives us a rich portrait of the man from birth to death, a man driven by dreams of glory and felled by tragic, human weaknesses.
Free and open to the public. First come first served.


The Grolier Club
47 East 60th Street, NYC
Roundtable in conjunction with exhibition "A True Friend of the Cause" Lafayette and the Anti-Slavery Movement. featuring Laura Auricchio (The New School), Francois Furstenberg (Johns Hopkins), and John Stauffer (Harvard), moderated by exhibition curators Olga Duhl and Diane Shaw (Lafayette College).


May 4, 2017
Washington, DC


A Conversation on Historical Perspectives

Symposium on French-American exchanges in history, decorative arts, culture, and more, with a luncheon featuring food from State Dinners and French wines associated with early U.S. Presidents.

Full program available at this link.

Organized by the White House Historical Association with the Embassy of France.

May 10, 2017
Prospect Park, 9th St entrance,


Commemorates Unveiling by French Dignitaries During Wreath-laying ceremony featuring remarks by the Consul General of France, the Director of Art and Antiquities for the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation, and Laura Auricchio, author of The Marquis: Lafayette Reconsidered. Representatives from the Brooklyn Borough President's Office, Lafayette College, and the Prospect Park Alliance

Organized by the American Friends of Lafayette. More information here.

Free and open to the public. Rain or shine.

Lafayette Lives!

If you spot a Lafayette sign, please snap a photo and click here to add it to the Lafayette Lives album on Facebook!

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